Tuesday, February 16, 2016

ALBUM....Heartfelt Creation's Peacock Paisley Collection

Hello  all...

Carving out time daily for blogging when life is full enough daily. Its something that is really true for all. Then why me not able to blog.??

I work full time, 
I have children at home , 
I barely get enough time to dress up, alone has to handle my projects, my kitchen and my pets,
I am dependent on my kids for editing pictures and photography.....aww these are just excuses.
 I got it....believe me. If I have made the blog that means I have already started. So I need not have any excuses to not continue it regularly. I myself have to figure out a way to fit in it. 

I have hundreds of my creations that I have posted on my facebook page which always wanted and waited to get blogged here. I have decided to post all one by one daily to make my blog move. When asked someone suggested me to share my creations in back dates...but NO.....I won't. Let them be published on the genuinne dates only. It would be a big reminder for me with every post that I really have to be regular in blogging now. 

So, today I m here with not my latest post....but with my back post that is delayed by seven months. Now a days I am not well...have continous pain in my lower abdomen due to kidney stone. Doctors asked me to take little rest. Isn't it a gud opportunity to keep my blogger friends updated about what they missed while resting side by side. Lolzz
I swear...we crafters know how to take out full advantage of time. Its ok if I m not creating anything new but yes...at least I am connecting to my craft anyway ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜

Enough chatting....now on to my project. 
I am sharing an album created with Heartfelt Creation Peacock Paisley Collection. 
Here are few detailed pictures. 

Let me show you first how it looks from the front. 
Lots n lots of work hun!! 

The glittered photo tags looks amazing and have photo mat on both the sides. 

The tags are distressed using rangers peacock feather and peeled paint distress inks and stamped with HC Peacock Paisley Stamp. 

Pretty pretty bunch of charms hanging down the spine which is dry embossed and decorated using Inkagold. I have added bead tessels also to add little more beauty to the bunch. 

.Handmade flowers created using HC Delightful Daisy flower die and its cordinating stamp. 

I hope you enjoyed the project as much as I enjoyed making it. 
 I would appreciate if you leave some love. 
Thanks for dropping by. 
Hugs :)

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Dear Reader,
Thank you for your precious comments. They are extremely valuable and a source of continuous motivation for me. I really appreciate the effort.